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Indio Police To Use Drones and Tourniquets at Coachella 2018
It is still March, but the Indio Police Department is gearing up for the Coachella and Stagecoach Music Festivals. We’re just two week out before thousands of people head to the Valley for the Coachella Music and Arts Festival and the Indio Police Department has been working on rigorous safety planning.
Indio Police Sgt. Dan Marshall says, "going on almost 9 months, we’ve been planning for this."
This year security will be even tighter to protect fans like previous concert goers. Sgt. Marshall says they’re learning from tragic world events, "England, San Bernardino, Vegas, Florida, all these horrific events, we gleam something from that.
"England, San Bernardino, Vegas, Florida, all these horrific events, we gleam something from that."
Now officers are required to carry tourniquets to stop bleeding, in case of an active shooter situation. "We’ve found out through the world events how important that simple device can be to save human life," says Sgt. Marshall.
This year surveillance drones will also be used. A massive safety binder serves as the police departments intricate safety plan to keep you safe at Coachella, including every little detail. Sgt. Marshall says, "when I mean everything. I mean everything from food vendors to the trucks that show up, we look at it from every angle."
"Remember if somebody is going to do something bad to us, they have to be right every time in their planning. But for the good guys to be right, we only have to be right one time."
He also asks concert goers be patient before having fun, "so if you do encounter some traffic because we are searching vehicles as they enter into camping, that just comes with public safety." And most importantly, "remember if somebody is going to do something bad to us, they have to be right every time in their planning. But for the good guys to be right, we only have to be right one time."
So if you see something, say something.
By: NBC Palm Springs
March 29, 2018